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The Dixie Chicks

The Dixie Chicks

The Dixie Chicks

At a concert in London, lead Dixie Chicks singer Natalie Maines said, "Just so you know, we're ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas." The Dixie Chicks are from Texas.

Fan Revolt

This comment prompted extreme outrage here in the United States. Many radio stations banned Dixie Chicks songs from their airwaves and refused to talk about their upcoming concert tour. A radio station in their hometown placed trash cans in front of their studios for "fans" to throw their D.C. CDs into. In one day, they collected 15,000 CDs that went to the landfill. Remember that even though the Dixie Chicks are increasingly a cross-over group (playing in multiple genres) that their main fan base is still the Country music world which is full of the most Patriotic Americans you could imagine.

After first defending her statement, Maines and her two band-mates apologized profusely and repeatedly. But the damage was done. For them to make such a comment during war-time was bad enough. But they criticized the President of the United States of America to citizens of a foreign country - England, our biggest ally!

My Thoughts...

Truthfully, I believe the American people have gone easy on the Dixie Chicks. As a patriotic American, they have dishonored and embarrassed my President and my country in a foreign land. To me, this is unforgivable. If they are ashamed that George W. Bush is from Texas, then I am ashamed that I was once a fan.

I know that they are entitled to their opinions - we all are. But during a time of war, you must exercise a little more control of your political views - especially when visiting another country. And just like they have a right to Freedom of Speech and their own opinions, I have a right to mine. Personally, I choose to turn the radio station when a Dixie Chicks song comes on. I choose to not lighten up like several other celebrities have requested. I choose not to buy their CDs. And I do this all because it is MY right to. They have the right to say it (however inappropriate) and I have the right to voice my dislike in all of these ways.



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